Image by skasuga via Flickr
I just watched "The Future of Food" I can not believe that the Patent office, The FDA and the biotech community has allowed The Monsanto Corporation to poison us.Genetically Engineered Food is the taking of a Genetic material from one organism and inserting it into the permanent genetic code of another. The have taken bacteria and antibiotics, and inserted them into the genetic material of Corn, Soya and wheat. They have been doing this for the past several decades.
Studies have revealed that genetically engineered foods can pose serious risks. Risks of toxicity, allergenicity, antibiotic resistance, immune-suppression and cancer.
Environmentally genetically engineered agriculture could lead to uncontrolled biological pollution, threatening numerous microbial, plant and animal species with extinction, and the potential contamination of non-genetically engineered life forms with novel and possibly hazardous genetic material.
I implore everyone to watched the movie on, The Future of Food. Click on the title for this article to go directly
Help prevent the monopolization of our foods by Monsanto Corporatin and Ban the use of genectically engineered foods. Write your congressmean, spread the word.
I did not that our goverment allowed this to go on!!!
This should never be allowed
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